Friday, August 30, 2019


How could I forget to mention this year's BK Convention is celebrating their 25th anniversary?!

Congrats, Damfinos!!!

Monday, August 26, 2019

2019 Convention

October will soon be upon us, and that means the Damfinos will be hosting their annual convention in Muskegon, MI. The dates this year coincide with Buster's birthday which is on October 4th. The convention will be held October 4-6. Here is a link to general information.

As long as I just used the word "general..."

Here is a link to the eclectic schedule which includes Buster's great-granddaughter, Keaton Talmadge.

I believe there is still time to register. Get your tickets now!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Got TCM?

If you have access to Turner Classic Movies, be sure to keep Monday, August 19th free. It's all Buster all day! The fun starts at 5 a.m. (CST) with Battling Butler.

Sally O'Neil and Snitz Edwards with BK.

It wraps up at 4 a.m. with The Navigator. The schedule also includes some talkies such as Doughboys, and last year's new documentary The Great Buster. Here is a link to TCM's August schedule. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Random Keaton Note #24

Buster owned a Belgian Sheepdog in the 1920s named Captain. This looks like a Malinois to me.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Patience and Fortiude

So, yeah, whatever happened to the next video??? I'm asking myself that same question. The technical side of Silver17 has been rather busy this summer, leaving us creative types in a lurch. All I can say is, it will arrive some day... Hang in there.